Monday, March 5, 2012

Currently March

Here is my "Currently" for March

Rules for the 3 words:

First word--How students would describe you
I am sure they would say that I am bossy, because I tell them what to do all the time.

Second word-How family would describe you
This one was easy for me--My Dad always tells me that I am blessed every day that I am alive. I am blessed because I have a job. I am blessed because I have a wonderful and loving family.

Third word--How friends would describe you
My friend told me today that I was "bubbly" because I was so happy. I feel as though I am taking this word from Alisha over at "The Bubbly Blonde".

I hope you all have a fabulous week. Don't forget to head on over to Oh' Boy 4th Grade and link up!


  1. So jealous that your spring break is so close! We have 9 days to go. I would love some pie too!

    Swimming into Second

  2. I am totally with you on bossy! I have some friends that are a little too bossy for my liking. We are working on that to express our feelings without being bossy! HA!

  3. I love the bossy! So jealous that your spring break is so close! We have to wait for the end of the month.
    Daisy Days for Learning

  4. I am ready for Friday...Spring Break!!!

    I think all teachers are a wee bit bossy...I told my kiddos I wouldn't be bossy if they listened and did what they were supposed to! =)

    Heather's Heart

  5. ohmygoodness!

    I cant believe your spring break is only 5 days away!

    Mine seems so so far!

    Ms. Rachel’s Room
