It is not that hard. All the second grade is on one hall, blue hall. Parents just have to walk down the hall and read our class roll to determine whose room their child is in. This year we have 3 second grade classrooms.
Once you enter the door you see the table with all the sign in sheets. All the sheets were made from a pack sold by ARTrageous Fun. You can find the pack here.

Parents will need to sign in. I am required to turn in these sign in sheets. Check with you administration because you may have to turn these in also. I then have parents write down how their child will go home. I teach second grade and most children know the answer to that question, however, there is a few little ones that don't know how they go home. Last, I ask if anyone is interested in being a parent volunteer. They will leave their name and a contact number.
On each child's desk there is zip-lock bag containing all the back to school forms. All the forms that need to be filled out and returned to school are clipped together with a note listing all forms. I ask that all these form will be completed and returned to school on the first day (Thursday). All other forms are placed in the bag.
Parents and students then work together to put away supplies. Individual supplies are placed in the student's desk. All community supplies are placed around the room. I will put them away later in the week.
I have a "Donation" board or a "Wish List" placed on the white board. This year I listed any items I wanted donated on a shield. If parents wish to donate an item they simply take a shield and send the item listed back to school. With a large class I hope many of the shields will be taken.
Last I give my students a "Welcome Back" bag. This is not by original idea. I just modified it to fit with my 2nd grade team's theme which is Superheroes. If you would like a copy of the "Welcome" Letter with a Superhero them you can find it HERE
I have these bags placed in a container. I had thought to personally hand them to the students right before they leave. Now, I am wondering If I should place them on the student's desk. Just in case one child leaves before I can give them a bag...or....wait and hand them out on the first day. What would you do?
I'm so excited to be your newest follower! Thank you so much for the welcome letter. I have three weeks to get everything together...I think I can do it!