Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Listening Center

Primary Inspired is having a Listening Center Linky Party and I thought I would join in.
My listening center is usually used once a week by each child in groups of two. This is used as one of their center rotations. After they finish the story, the children draw a picture of their favorite party of the story and then write about the story.
The children will pull two chairs up to the counter where the listening center stays. We have a cassette player and headphones. This was a conscious decision because our school's resource room has many books with tape. They are grouped in bags with a cassette tape and two books each. We just have to check out the bags each week.

Below is the listening centers of my fellow kindergarten teachers.

After viewing the other listening center, mine will have improvements next year.
Please check out Primary Inspired's Linky Party and view all the wonderful listening centers you will find there.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up! Lucky you to have a resource room where you can check these out! I'm jealous!
    Primary Inspired
