Today it is time to get down to business. I return to work on Monday. We have a system wide in-service day with a guest speaker. Everyone in my small county reports to our local board and we have a day of professional development. Does your system or district do this? More on this later....

Today I am going to link up with Tara over at
4th Grade Frolics. This week I have a mix of school and home related projects. I should point out that my hubby helped a great deal in my home projects. These small projects are supposed to make my life easier when I return to work next week.
I am finally starting to organize my kitchen.I started with the area above my stove that usually stayed cluttered. I searched pinterest and found this idea and loved it. I had my hubby add in vertical shelves. I loved how it turned out and how these necessary items have an organized home.
I then went to Lowe's and purchased two of these Rev-A-Shelf. We put them under our cooktop. Now my pots and pans are organized. YAY!!!
I am sure many of you have seen or even use the Homework Club idea. I think it may have all started from Molly at
Lessons With Laughter. I am planning on incorporating this into my room this year. I have decided to use an extra calendar chart to hold the homework club. I have it located near the "turn in cubbies". I have this as a
free item in my store. These numbers can be used for many different things. The possibilities are endless in you need super hero numbers.
Your homework club display is great! I use it too and it's really helped with my students turning in their homework each week. I plan to use it again this year.
Swinging for Success
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I would love to know more about he homework club