Where has the time gone? It has flown by. It is now time to get started thinking about getting in a routine to start thinking about school. I return to work in only 34 days. Yes you read that right. I return to work the first Monday in August. {Insert frowny face}
Tonight I am linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her July Currently linky party.
Listening: I love listening to my daughter play the piano. She has become quite good even if I do say so myself. She is currently working on numerous patriotic pieces because she has been asked to play at an event.
Loving: My youngest daughter has created an Instagram account for this blog after I talked with her about a teacher summer challenge. She thought it would be fun. I think she will be my biggest fan. If you are interested you can follow me. My user name is @barrowshodgepodge.
Thinking: I have spent the last month thinking about this blog and its purpose. I like to blog and share the experiences in our classroom. From today on I am going to try my best to write about our classroom and the learning that is taking place there. I have realized I was a better teacher when I was blogging. I don't know why. Maybe I was just more thoughtful? I don't know...
Wanting: My car is a hot mess! No explanation necessary. I just want the inside of my car cleaned.
Needing: I have many things I want to get done and it seems like there is not enough time in the day. Have you ever washed your sheets and left them in the dryer and did not remember to get them out until you thought about going to bed? Yep....the story of my summer.
4th Plans: We have a family reunion in the morning followed by lunch. We usually get home about 2. My dear husband has invited a couple of families over to grill, swim, fireworks, etc... Basically just hang out with some friends.
I hope you all have an awesome week! Be sure to hope on over to Oh' Boy 4th Grade and see what everyone is "Currently" up to!

Nice reading your currently. I haven't jumped on the Instagram bandwagon yet. I'm already feeling a little stretched in the social media department but I'd love to hear how you like it. My car is in need of attention too! Have a great week!
Kids Math Teacher